Dr. Anne Truitt appears on the morning news to talk Sun protection, Antioxidants, Exfoliants and Moisturizing for the summer months.
Also, regarding Reports of Benzene in Sunscreen: An Independent laboratory, Valisure, found benzene (a carcinogen linked to blood cancers) in 78 sunscreens and after-sun products (of 294) This was originally thought to be a contaminant of these products and not an actual ingredient of sunscreens, but dermatologists and scientists question how their studies were conducted. They relied on oral exposure levels when sunscreen is applied topically. The study used the chemical compound NDMA as a benchmark although toxicity levels and other aspects of benzene and NDMA are different–scientists are calling it a nonsensical comparison. It is also unclear how much or if any benzene would be absorbed topically as it evaporates so quickly.
The Bottom line: according to the Skin Cancer Foundation, more people are diagnosed with skin cancer in the US than all other cancers combined. Sunscreens are safe and effective for protecting these skin cancers. Visit www.skinsurgerymed.com and see my Instagram account.