Unwanted hair can be quite simple to remove permanently with the latest in technology for laser hair removal. Chin, feet, toes are a few areas where women just do not want hair, not to mention legs and the bikini area. Eager to learn more? Read on….
- How does laser hair removal work?
Melanocytes are pigment-producing cells in the skin to include being around hair follicles. Lasers used for hair removal target the melanin (pigment produced by melanocytes) thus heating the surrounding area to include the hair follicle. This heat will destroy the follicle removing its ability to make the hair.
Why does it take more than one session to see results?
Knowledge of the hair cycle will help answer this question. There are three phases to the hair cycle: anagen, catagen, and telogen. Anagen is the hair growth stage. The hair is above the surface of the skin, and this stage lasts for about 3 weeks. This stage is ideal for laser hair treatment as the bulb, or base of the follicle, will be destroyed by the laser.
Catagen occurs between growth and rest as the hair sheds. It only lasts a few days, but laser hair removal will be less effective during this stage as it has lost its target.
Telogen is the resting phase of the follicle. This can last a few days to years, and laser hair removal will not be possible during this stage.
All hairs are in different stages of the cycle, thus permanent removal can take between 4-6 sessions as you need to target the anagen phase to be successful.
Tips on how to have the best results.
-Limit your sun exposure so you do not confuse the laser. It needs to target the melanin around the follicle. Tanned skin would be unsafe and certainly less effective.
-Do not tweeze or wax your hair before a treatment as this removes the follicle. The laser needs to target the follicle to remove it. But it is ok to shave as this does not remove the follicle
-Shave the day before your treatment as it makes the laser session more effective and less uncomfortable.
-Do not miss a treatment as you need to focus on laser removal during the anagen phase. If you miss an appointment, you might be back in the catagen or telogen phase where the laser is not effective.
Call us and let’s get those legs ready for summer!
Dr. Anne Truitt 858-292-5101