Dr. Truitt explores the concealed and shadowed knowledge of expired makeup. What you find in your drawer might make you blush!

There are good reasons to toss out old makeup and start fresh as we (hopefully) start to return to normalcy. But how old is too old? Did you know that:
• The FDA does not require expiration dates on cosmetics unless they contain sunscreen or SPF labeling, as those products are listed under the “drug” category. 
• Most cosmetics will have a Period After Opening (PAO) symbol with a number and M printed on the container representing the number of months a product should be used after opening. 
• Most products will last between 3-18 months after being opened.
• Unopened makeup can last up to 2-3 years, although products with oil can turn rancid sooner.
What to do:
• Eye makeup –should be replaced more often as increased risk of eye infection.  Mascara should be changed out every 3 months.
• “All natural” cosmetics can have plant-derived ingredients that may be more conducive to microbial growth and should be replaced more often; same with products that may contain no preservatives.
• Products that have been stored improperly (in high temperatures or in sunlight) should be replaced more frequently. Products that require finger application (especially around the eyes and mouth) may have a shorter shelf life.

Courtesy of Sonia Roselli

Ways to make your makeup last longer:
1)Store in cool, dark location
2)Keep applicators and brushes clean
3)Do not add water to dry mascara—just throw it out
4)Do not share makeup with other people

Follow these tips to keep your skin free from infection and irritation.  Good skincare is a habit that should extend to your makeup as well.