Men are learning women’s skin care secrets, from exfoliants and moisturizers to Botox and RF microneedling, says San Diego dermatologist Dr. Anne Truitt.

My latest appearance on Fox Morning News shows how men are finally learning to improve their skin’s health and appearance by adapting many of the skin care techniques used by women, with some modifications to address the differences between male and female skin characteristics. Facial skin products, charcoal masks and even radio frequency powered microneedling are bringing gender equality to skin care!

Men have thicker skin than women. This means that men’s skin is naturally more resistant to damage and can withstand harsh conditions better than women’s skin can. But that shouldn’t stop men from following a good skincare routine!

Men’s skin is unlike women’s in other ways as well. For example, men have larger sebaceous glands than women do. They also have a higher density of hair follicles. For that reason, men’s skin tends to be oilier and is more prone to ingrown hairs and folliculitis. These major skin differences play a significant role in determining how to care for men’s skin.

I cover all these details and more on the morning news:

Three quick tips for men’s basic skin care:

• Stop using Ivory or whatever bar soap you have. Instead use a facial gentle cleanser.
• Use moisturizer – your face doesn’t have to feel like sandpaper.
• Start an appropriate anti-aging regimen: charcoal masks, retinol, Botox and minimally invasive skin treatments like Potenza RF microneedling.

For more information visit my Instagram account and website.